Recommentunde - en Barcelona - Week of June 16 2019
it's the latest edition of
The Recommentunde Newsletter
For the week that began June 16 2019
Hola mi gente! This is a special edition from Barcelona where I’m on the first leg of a proper vacation that continues to Berlin and Prague. That means I don’t know if I will keep up the newsletter for the remainder of the trip but based on the survey results y’all want this weekly. Meanwhile, from the city with stellar public transit and road design, comes an abbreviated edition of media I largely consumed before devoting my life to seafood and vermouth.
You have seen many black athletes and cultural figures wearing Adidas, but you didn’t realize that behind the Portland, Oregon-based company are some diversity challenges. My Adidas? More like THEIR Adidas, am I right!?
You’ve traveled and been confused/annoyed by the number of people bringing dogs and ferrets and llamas into places like airplane cabins. Well so have many US states, and they are cracking down on emotional support animals.
You have continued to question how this US president became this US president and never fully bought the “economic anxiety” argument. You are correct that racism and sexism were key drivers, you smart person, but it’s more than that. This president is splitting white america, pushing liberals toward the woke side and republicans toward some real retrograde nonsense.
You know Silicon Valley has gotten ridiculous in the businesses it funds, but to see the latest crop in one placemakes you cringe/wince (crince?) because selling overpriced canned water sounds brilliant but only if the money is used to fix the pipes in Flint.
Naturally you’re upset about the announced ICE raids announced for this weeken around the US, but you also know we are not a helpless people and whether you are in the country without full documentation or merely stand as an ally with your fellow humans, you remember that We Have Rights.
Finally, I know you’re already pre-exhausted about the 2020 campaign and you might even be thinking that the democratic candidates risk being “too far left for the country” but you would be very wrong. The ideas being promoted are in the very center as this video so well explains. Trust your gut. Ignore the fears and the noise and media framing that make you doubt yourself. You are America.
Es todo por ahora.
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