Join Me For Tomorrow's Show. Watch Me Sing Now!
Join Live On Lockdown Sunday 3p PT / 6p ET
It's the light, weekend edition.
0. Congratulations
You made it to Saturday, and you are to be applauded, nay, standing ovationed for reaching another weekend. Bravo and Brava to you. You're a star!
1. Join me for Live On Lockdown
The Sunday show is on Zoom at 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern. The best parts are bringing folks on screen and watching fun videos together that help the calamity go down. Register here, and add it to your calendar.
Tomorrow's interview: the artist JR! I posted some clips already. Will share more during the taping.
2. Catch me singing
I joined a Bill Withers tribute and sang some lines from Lean On Me. When you watch it, your eye allergies might kick in, or you'll suddenly feel like you're near recently-cut onions. This is a totally natural response. Have a tissue ready.
Stay well. That's an order. Here's a very recent photo of me: