How To Citizen with Baratunde is launched

Hello special human: As you probably know, I've made a show to help renew our democracy, and I’d love for you to check it out and share with others.
It's available now under How To Citizen with Baratunde, wherever you get podcasts. Please subscribe, listen, share, and leave a review. Consider sharing any of my social posts about the show on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook or make your own using #howtocitizen
We've got two episodes that just posted, one featuring Valarie Kaur and the other, Eric Liu. One episode is about love, the other about power. Neither of these would seem to be obvious choices for a show about citizen participation, but that's why this show is different.
Speaking of different, we tape most shows with a live, participating, Zoom audience, and next Monday we've got Chef José Andrés. Reserve your spot, and ask José some questions, meet others in the chat, and enjoy Zoom for once ;)
We're also making the show as accessible as possible by posting full transcripts on the website.
As a reward for reading this far, I can let you know I'll probably be going live on video this Friday around 4pm PT to reflect on the Republican Convention, Kenosha, and as always, your questions and topics. Set notifications for me on IG, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn or Twitch so you don't miss it.
Much love,
Below is the first piece of feedback I saw from someone who actually listed to the show. It is beyond my hopes. This is what we're aiming for. Let's go on this journey together.