Baratunde Performs Historic Frederick Douglass July 4th Speech, “What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July?”

Dear email friend,
Since leaving The Daily Show, I've committed to doing more writing and performing of my own that I find important, moving, funny, and relevant, so I'm once again performing this epic Frederick Douglass speech (as I did in 20111) but now with more preparation and production and feels.
I hired director Mikhael Tara Garver, booked a theatre room at the Brooklyn Public Library, and added visual annotations a la TED talks. This all goes down around 3pm ET Friday July 1 (FREE!!) to kickoff a weekend of Independence Day celebrations that are sure to paper over the real and unfinished story of America's founding.
It's first come, first served. You can join me in person at the Brooklyn Public Library or watch the live stream at Video will be online after as well. I urge you to RSVP at the event site.
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The official Twitter hashtag is #douglatunde, so check that out tomorrow afternoon as well.
I'm excited. I'm inspired. I'm tired. After seeing the play Turn Me Loose! about the life of the near-prophet/comedian Dick Gregory last night, I also have a fire burning in me and cannot wait to do this Douglass piece and more of my own work.
Thanks for joining this email list and the revolution.
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