dear baratunde,

thank you for this and all. love this:

"These are exhausting times, and those who operate from fear and scarcity and hate want to limit the range of possibilities for many of us and reduce the scope of our imaginations. They want us to be constrained by narrow walls and low ceilings because they lack the imagination to envision a world of true justice, abundance, and balance. They hoard because the never learned to power of sharing. They separate because they’ve been denied the joy of true connection. I encourage you to hold fast to your imagination and do so with others. The onslaught is relentless. Make time for joy. Connect with loved ones. Remind yourself of the world you want to inhabit and co-create."

love you, thank you!


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Wish I could join you, but not possible. What I have to say: people right, left, center agree we need a believable, trustworthy Commander in Chief. I propose Senator Mark Kelly, astronaut, Navy Captain, moderate Democrat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Kelly. I don't believe this proposal will get to the DNC. But there are things we do, not because of hope, but so that we can look at ourselves in the mirror.

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