I have to say, Mr Thurston, you and a small handful of humans (including Krista Tippett- so glad you two connected and conversed!) are part of the reason I get out of bed in the morning. The combination of hope that refuses to be abandoned and a wit that ranges from subtle to ridiculous is one that I hope to see in more people who have a…
I have to say, Mr Thurston, you and a small handful of humans (including Krista Tippett- so glad you two connected and conversed!) are part of the reason I get out of bed in the morning. The combination of hope that refuses to be abandoned and a wit that ranges from subtle to ridiculous is one that I hope to see in more people who have access to the public ear and eye. How to Citizen is truly a balm. Keep it up, for all our sakes! ❤️
I have to say, Mr Thurston, you and a small handful of humans (including Krista Tippett- so glad you two connected and conversed!) are part of the reason I get out of bed in the morning. The combination of hope that refuses to be abandoned and a wit that ranges from subtle to ridiculous is one that I hope to see in more people who have access to the public ear and eye. How to Citizen is truly a balm. Keep it up, for all our sakes! ❤️