We're Having a Moment
3. Defund the Police

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3. Defund the Police

Baratunde explains what "defund the police" means to him then takes you to the room where it happens as the Los Angeles City Council hears directly from Black Lives Matter activists presenting their case to reimagine public safety and the city budget.

Find out more about the participatory budgeting effort at

Visit Baratunde's website f…

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We're Having a Moment
It's true. We all feel it in the United States. We are having some kind of moment. Where it goes, we can't say, but right here, right now, something significant is happening involving race and in particular, policing. In this limited run series, Baratunde Thurston explains and explores what feels like a defining moment in American history.When Mitt Romney joins a Black Lives Matter march, when NASCAR bans the Confederate flag, when major cities actually contemplate defunding the police, and when Adidas retweets Nike in support of Black lives, something big is going on.