I just watched your 1st show on PBS on exploring the outdoors in Death Valley. I was greatly impressed with what you shared with us. What you chose. I am a native Californian and a big fan of the desert. I am excited to have new places to go this coming Spring. The outdoors is my temple. The Cities my school. All to satisfy my deep curiosity. Thank you for being you!

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Dear B - 1. On compost - do you know about this man, the Gangsta Gardener of LA? https://ronfinley.com/ Hook up! 2. You got me on nature and wildlife. You know that, though. 3. You got it on citizening and we are all in this together, but you also knew that. Aren't you reminded of Beckett these days? It's a medieval turn we're taking. 4. Let's talk about restoring the earth - your megaphone + these kinds of efforts: https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/05/renewable-energy-lessons-from-european-communities/ and THIS GUY: https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/22/us/seaweed-carbon-capture-xprize-finalist-climate/index.html 5. Roe v. Wade + Buffalo + GOP + Fox = medieval Stalinism. 6. You come to our place, you get dinner and flowers from the gardens and you make the cocktails. Conversation included.

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